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- Starknet roundup 87
Starknet roundup 87
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Starknet roundup #87

This newsletter is made possible thanks to AVNU, the liquidity aggregator allowing users to get the best possible execution on Starknet.
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Therefore, say goodbye to inefficient trading and hello to time and money optimization. By aggregating the liquidity of all Starknet DEXs and employing a cutting-edge routing algorithm, AVNU ensures that you get the best possible execution for your trades on Starknet, all through a smooth and seamless UX.
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Welcome to the 86th edition of my weekly comprehensive Starknet summary. Reading this newsletter allow you to catch up on all the important news from the last week in just 10 minutes of reading.
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Letâs get into this weekâs news! đȘ
Protocol & dev tool updates

@Starknet - The Starknet feeder gateway will go through changes in Q4 2023 and will stop serving multiple types of queries - It will retain only synchronization-related endpoints for Full Nodes
@NethermindStark - Juno v0.6.5 is ready for download - @NethermindStark fixed the segfault on failed latest block fetch
@starknetstacklc - We bring some updates from Starknet in Rust - Contract classes optimization, Integration between Cairo Native and Starknet in Rust, Bug-fixing and improvements
@NethermindStark - @Starknet Go v0.4.6 is live - Includes breaking changes & will require refactoring of application code that depends on the library
@MaksDemitraszek - New parallel starknet foundry 0.8.0 is out
@NethermindStark - Juno v0.6.6 is live - @NethermindStark fixed the "405 method not allowed" error when calling RPC in the browser by enabling CORS and correctly handling OPTIONS requests
@starkcompass - Updates from the StarkExplorer team - The "Go-to-page" feature is now available on all index pages - Bug fixes and performance improvements have been made
@gizatechxyz - The Giza CLI is live - Designed to abstract the complexities of cryptography and streamline interactions with the Giza stack, the CLI enables the rapid creation of verifiable programs from simple ONNX models
@NethermindStark - Juno v0.7.0 is ready for download - Support for @starknet JSON-RPC v0.5.0
Media highlights
@OwnerOfJK - Building an onchain game #3: How to scale your game infrastructure? - Twitter space with @Norswap, @MohamedFFouda & @Tarrenceva to dive into onchain game infra scaling
@starknetus - The session on Smart Wallets by @espejelomar from @StarknetFndn at #STARKNewYork is now available on YouTube - Learn about the potential applications of account abstraction in Starknet
@StarknetEco - "Le Monde De Starknet" is here, curated by @0xNurstar - Stay up to date with the most important news from the Starknet ecosystem over the past week
@Blockchains_FR - Redéfinir la DeFi avec StarkNet - La puissance des Layers 2 expliquée par Louis Guthmann - French interview with the Starknet lead ecosystem
@LeJournalDuCoin - Layers 2 et StarkNet : Abdel revient sur l'actu Ethereum - French podcast with Abdel, the Starknet Exploration Lead
Ecosystem Highlights
@avnu_fi - AVNU has now eclipsed $500M in processed volume in just 4 months, becoming the FIRST @Starknet DEX to achieve this milestone - AVNU reaches a volume of $500 million in just 4 months
@zkxprotocol - Presenting the Yakuza NFTs - An exclusive 8888-piece collection curated by ZKX - This is a commemorative collection to acknowledge the loyalty of ZKX early contributors. If you are part of them, you can now mint your (free) NFT
@influenceth - Influence's Limited Release is available NOW. Take part in this exciting event, as Influence moves from Ethereum to its new home - You can now play the first phase of Influence, in which you can recruit Crewmates, purchase & scan asteroids, bridge assets, and explore Adalia
@EkuboProtocol - Today we posted a proposal idea to the Uniswap governance forum describing a novel way to fund Ekubo protocol's development that aligns Ekubo protocol with the Uniswap ecosystem
@EkuboProtocol - In less than 1 month since @avnu_fi launched support for Ekubo, Ekubo has facilitated over $250MM in trading volume - Ekubo has quickly become the best place to provide liquidity on @Starknet, on some days winning 80%+ of the total volume
@Starknet - Find a job with the teams building on Starknet with the ultimate job board for the Starknet ecosystem
@argentHQ - Weâre hiring a Growth Manager - as well as a Senior Backend Engineer, a Senior Product Designer, and a Founder of Unframed (Starknet's NFT marketplace)
@yetanotherswap - Many of you were curious about YAB (Yet Another Bridge). So, let's dive into the architecture and details we're experimenting with using @HerodotusDev tech
@Bountive - We are proud to introduce Bountive - @Bountive is a decentralized âprize savingâ protocol on @Starknet, empowering users with no-risk rewards
@MarketPyramid - We're thrilled to announce an exciting update from the Pyramid NFT Marketplace - The @MarketPyramid NFT Marketplace underwent an update allowing users to compare prices of the different NFT collections between all Starknet marketplaces
@Carbonable_io - The new Carbonable version is live on Testnet - Farming features you've waited for are now available
@StarkDefi - Audit Status: Complete - StarkDeFi has just completed its audit
@NethermindStark - Nethermind Security has started auditing @PragmaOracle
@NethermindStark - Nethermind Security has finished auditing @Starknet_id - Check out the full report here
@NoGameStarknet - We're polishing the final details and gearing up for a mainnet deployment soon - @NoGameStarknet unveils its new UI and prepares for the mainnet launch
@starknet_quest - We're delighted to introduce our newest quest in collaboration with @EkuboProtocol - Here's how to claim your prize
@RangoExchange - Looking for a bridge from #BTC to @Starknet? - Now available on @RangoExchange
@Block__Heroes - New gameplay video with battle and team selection preview
@Nimbora_ - Dive into our latest #Medium article about Nimboraâs powerful automation feature
Ecosystem stats
@Starknet_OG - @avnu_fi : $510m in volume in 4 months - @JediSwap : $330m in 11 months - @SithSwap : $300m in 7 months - @10KSwap : $230m in 13 months - @mySwapxyz : $180m in 11 months - @FibrousFinance : $90m in 4 months - Volume comparison of all Starknet DEX
@GabinMarignier - Focus Tree mainnet contract deployed for $0.13 - Remember it used to be $100+ on ethereum
@h355i - In just 3 weeks, over 16.9k NFTs have been created on Pyramid by 15.7k @Starknet users, thanks to the new Storefront tool
@Starknet_OG - To measure the end-user popularity of these different L2s, it is interesting to track the evolution of TPS executed on each L2 - Here is a 30-second video presenting the evolution of TPS for each L2 since their launch, as well as their ranking
@Starknet_OG - Another way to identify user interests for different L2s is by monitoring the flow of money - Here is a 30-second video presenting the evolution of TVL for each L2 since their launch, as well as their ranking
Starknet TVL - TVL on Starknet now worth $120M
Starknet Community & Shamans Highlights
Heavily discussed StarkNet Improvement Proposals
Useful links & articles
@avnu_fi - Dive into the world of arbitrage with AVNU - Thread about what arbitrage is and how you can take advantage of it on AVNU
@Starknet - Learn all about Starknet with The Starknet Book - Every chapter is a stride toward mastering the Starknet universe
@espejelomar - @Starknet book v2.0.0 is now live - The new version is in Markdown and uses the Rust book format to make it easier for people to contribute
@StarkWareLtd - How Starknet scales Ethereum | Chapter 1 - This short video provides a great explanation of the scaling mechanism used by Starknet
@StarkWareLtd - The Starknet Sequencer | Chapter 2 - Learn more about how the Starknet Sequencer works in just 2 minutes
@StarkWareLtd - The Starknet Prover | Chapter 3 - Learn more about how the Starknet Prover works in just 2 minutes
@StarkWareLtd - Secured settlement on Ethereum | Chapter 4 - Learn more about how Starket settles on Ethereum in just 3 minutes
@Starknet - Let the Games Begin: Redefining On-Chain Gaming with Starknet - Discover how Starknet is revolutionizing on-chain gaming with its ability to facilitate fast and affordable transactions
@BanklessHQ - Web3 gaming is early, and @starknet is racing for an early lead - These are the rising gaming opportunities in the Starknet ecosystem you should have on your radar
@Starknet_OG - Your time is your most valuable resource anon - So start following the Pareto law and stop wasting your time on shitty alt-L1s - Here are the reasons why it is better to focus your research on the Ethereum ecosystem
@veradittakit - Dojo is a Cairo-based on-chain game engine for Starknet - Complete article presenting Dojo
@0xNurstar - Mastering @Starknet: The Power of Storage Proofs - Learn more about their purpose, their functionality and what usecases they enable
@argentHQ - Introducing Ekubo: The Most Powerful AMM in Crypto - Deep dive article about Ekubo
@0xNurstar - In this special episode, @state_maxi from @FibrousFinance will guide us through this vibrant and efficient AMMs aggregator - Learn more about Fibrous in this presentation video
@FibrousFinance - We've just released a tutorial video showing you how to swap on Fibrous using the @myBraavos Mobile App
@Composablelabs - A Look Into PixeLAW - Learn more about what Decentralized Autonomous Worlds are and what PixeLAW brings to the table
@Calcutat - Thread of a FEW of the projects building within the @LootRealms Autonomous World
Developer resources
@StarknetFndn - The Starknet Hacker House venue is here - Get ready to hack, connect, and learn - Located in the heart of Istanbul, the Hacker House will accommodate 75 hackers from all around the world for one week leading up to @StarknetCC
@crypto_gurkha - Why go to an HH? @Starknet Hacker Houses have successfully kickstarted multiple established ecosystem projects & have created employment opportunities for Cairo Devs - While HH serves as a space for hacking, it also presents a chance to become a part of the ecosystem
@Starknet - Devs, this one's for you! Get Starknet developer updates straight to your inbox by clicking âSubscribe to Updatesâ button on this page
@Starknet - Developers Hub: A manual and resource list for builders, by builders - Whether youâre a noob or an OG Cairo dev, these resources will be your invaluable guide to navigating the Starknet ecosystem
@OnlyDust_xyz - Applications for @Starknet grants are now open - Calling out all open-source projects in public goods that add value to the ecosystem - it's time to shine
@StarkWareLtd - Check out the Starknet projects which are open-source
@gizatechxyz - Today we introduce Giza Grants: A month-long, paid virtual program designed to support developers in building end-to-end ZKML use cases - Applications for this first cohort will be closing on October 22nd
@StarkNetAfrica - Last week, we unveiled Cairo Bootcamp II and the feedback has been incredible! Excited to welcome talented devs on board - Want to join this growing dev community? Apply for the cohort
@OpenBuildxyz - Exciting news! @Starknet officially collaborates with #OpenBuild for the incoming Bootcamp and Hackathon in November - Date TBD
@CheDAOLabs - Our developers have rewritten @cryptsncaverns using Cairo - Check the README for details
@SoukProtocol - We are stoked to drop our first #Cairo1 ERC Libraries (Component Libraries) for #Starknet contracts - This release aligns with the recent component system update on Starknet, enhancing contract extensibility
@0xhasher_ - I am reviewing some interesting aspects of FRI and the STARK protocol in general - Here is a contribution that may help understand them a little better
@project3fusion - P3F is honored to open sourcely share unity moba game developed for testing StarkSharp and Sharpion
@zkLink_Official - #zkLink has contributed a byte implementation named 'alexandria_bytes' to the @Starknet alexandria library
Dates and Events
@themu_xyz - MuChiangMai: 1st Dev-focused Pop-up city - Our Goal: Solving real-world challenges via blockchain & cryptography - Date : Sept 15th - Oct 31st
@StarknetDach - Starknet DACH is back and excited to host @StarkWareLtd and @gizatechxyz at our first dev workshop in Berlin - Date : Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 5:30 PM
@Stark_Hub - Excited to announce StarkHub's workshop with @0xdarlington from @argentHQ - Building User Interfaces For Your Starknet Smart Contracts - Date: October 22, 2023 - 19:00 CEST - Online
@NethermindEth - Call for participation in Nethermind Summit Istanbul - Date : Wednesday, November 15th at Workinton Lotus NiĆantaĆı
@StarkNetAfrica - We're excited to announce the launch of our second Cairo Bootcamp - 6 week online Cairo Bootcamp - Date : Starting 19th October, 2023
@NethermindStark - Weâre back with another Cairo beginner workshop with @argentHQ at Starknet Meetup London - mempoolsurfer will discuss ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, how to deploy them on Starknet, testing, and language semantics - Date : Oct 19, 6.30pm
@0xVato - Starkmex Vol III: Come learn more about the Starknet ecosystem and discover the potential of this L2 - Date : Thursday, October 19th, from 18:00 to 21:00 UTC-6 in Mexico City.
@dojostarknet - Dojo Game Jam #2 is here - Date : From October 20th to 22th
@gizatechxyz - Today we introduce Giza Grants: A month-long, paid virtual program designed to support developers in building end-to-end ZKML use cases - Applications for this first cohort will be closing on October 22nd
@StarknetNL - Starknet Amsterdam Meetup #3: Join us to learn about @Starknet, Layer-3s and Appchains with @henrlihenrli and @starkience - Date : October 26th
@StarknetFndn - We're thrilled to announce that we will be hosting a Hacker House in Istanbul - Date : From November 9th to 14th
@StarknetCC - Mark your calendars because something HUGE is on the horizon - Starknet CC is coming to Istanbul - Date : 13 November 2023
@StarkWareLtd - We're gearing up for @komorebihack Hacker House for Autonomous World/Fully Onchain game builders in Istanbul - Date : Nov 13 - Nov 20, 2023
@StarknetHouse - The Starknet House Istanbul 2023, organized by @StarknetHouse & @Starknet_Asia_, is now open for applications - Date : November 19 - 26
@Starknet - Find Starknet events, online or around the world
You can check out all of the past updates here.
None of the content of this newsletter is financial advice. Always do your own research.
Thank you for reading, and see you next week. âł
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