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Starknet roundup 75, your weekly Starknet newsletter
Summary of what's happening on Starknet
Starknet roundup #75
This newsletter is made possible thanks to Braavos, the open-source wallet designed for Starknet, featuring a state-of-the-art and constantly evolving UX.
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Welcome to the 75st edition of my weekly comprehensive Starknet summary. Reading this newsletter allow you to catch up on all the important news from the last week in just 10 minutes of reading.
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Let’s get into this week’s news! 💪
Protocol & dev tool updates
@Starknet - Starknet Foundry is live - Foundry - Ethereum’s leading toolkit for developers is coming to Starknet
@kasarLabs - @0xDeoxys will soon be the most powerful full node implementation on @Starknet - Deoxys is live for testings with Starknet mainnet
@NethermindStark - We've released the alpha version of the Starknet Remix plugin - Start build your Cairo 1 contracts with no awkward install
@apoorvsadana - Just ran my blazingly fast @MadaraStarknet node in less than a minute - Check out all the Sharingan nodes here
@apibara_web3 - Starting today, you can deploy indexers on Apibara and we will run them for you - Select any data on @Starknet and @apibara_web3 will call your webhook for each block, from any historical block to the most recent pending block
@HerodotusDev - Using an API to request storage proofs is simple, but we think it is still not simple enough. Today we announced Herodotus Turbo - Turbo will enable 100% trust less interoperability between Ethereum Layer 2s by writing only one line of code
@jajakobyly - Scarb 0.6.0-alpha.0 with Cairo 2.1.0-rc0 is here
@jajakobyly - Small Scarb release it out with Cairo 2.1.0-rc1
@NethermindStark - We took our latest Juno implementation for a sync test to see how it stacks up against the previous version. Results are in - Juno synced 105669 blocks in just over 28h, with a 31G DB size, average CPU usage was at 53.2% & RAM usage maintained an average of 8%
Media highlights
@StarknetCC - LIVE - StarknetCC Paris - Stream mainstage - Starknet CC recording of the mainstage
@StarknetCC - Starknet CC Paris 2023 | Tech Stage - Starknet CC recording of the Tech Stage
@EliBenSasson - Eli Ben-Sasson - Starknet Vision - @EliBenSasson and @jdiegooliva’s speech at ETC CC
@VitalikButerin - Vitalik Buterin - a history of account abstraction - Vitalik's speech at ETH CC
@Cointelegraph - Dive deep into ZK-proofs & AI's potential impact on the world of Web3 & #blockchain with the latest episode of the Zero Barriers podcast - Listen now the conversation with @EliBenSasson from @StarkWareLtd and @CemFDagdelen from @gizatechxyz
@StarknetEco - The newest edition of "Le Monde De Starknet" by @0xNurstar is LIVE, and it's all about #Starknet and the thrilling highlights from Paris - Discover the most impactful moments and groundbreaking updates in the ecosystem
@0xHashstack - ZK-Rollups Landscape Overview ft. @CryptomeriaCap - Twitter space between @0xHashstack and @CryptomeriaCap
@Starknet_Asia_ - Ohad Barta - Volition | StarkSeoul 2023 - The talk of @OhadBarta from @StarkWareLtd discussing Volition is now on YouTube
@Starknet_Asia_ - Chee Chyuan - Cheatsheet to Cairo 1.0 | Stark HCMC 2023 - The presentation of @cheechyuanang from @nethermindeth sharing the cheatsheet to Cairo 1.0 at StarkHCMC 2023 is now on YouTube
@Starknet_Asia_ - Chee Chyuan - Warping Solidity to Cairo 1 manually | StarkSeoul 2023 - The talk of @cheechyuanang from @nethermindeth presenting how to warp Solidity to Cairo 1 manually at StarkSeoul 2023 is now on YouTube
@Starknet_Asia_ - Tiago - Unifying Space and Time with Storage Proofs | StarkSeoul 2023 - Discover this interesting concept of storage proofs on Starknet here
@Starknet_Asia_ - Sam Benyakoub - Unleashing the Power of Cairo 1.0 with Node Guardians | StarkSeoul 2023 - Explore the limitless potential of Cairo and its applications here
@Starknet_Asia_ - Jane Ma - Building Dreams on Starknet | Stark HCMC 2023 - Check out the potential of Starknet and how it can turn dreams into reality here
@Starknet_Asia_ - Brian Fu - DeFi on Starknet: L2s & L3s | Stark HCMC 2023 - Discover the possibilities of DeFi on Starknet here
Ecosystem Highlights
@StarknetFndn - The Foundation is hiring - If you're interested in working on the areas outlined in the tweet, send an email at [email protected]
@Starknet - We are incredibly excited to introduce Starknet Appchains - The Starknet Stack tech is now also available to applications that want to benefit from STARK proofs, native Account Abstraction and the breakthrough in scaling Ethereum
@Starknet - Harnessing the Beast - Madara and the Revolution of Starknet Appchains - Join and unlock unprecedented levels of interoperability and on-chain privacy
@StarkWareLtd - Paradex: Starknet’s first Appchain - Paradex, a new crypto-derivatives exchange, is launching on Starknet’s first Appchain
@rabbitx_io - Announcing RBX Chain - RBX Chain will be a zero-knowledge application chain (AppChain) for derivatives - RBX Chain will be a brand new layer 3 scaling chain built on top of Starknet’s ZK layer 2, all on top of Ethereum
@mySwapxyz - 4th #NFTGiveaway of mySwap Quest, Mission 1 - Do not miss the Alpha Gold Coin - The deadline for acquiring this NFT is August 2nd, 7:59 am UTC
@nodeguardians - We’re thrilled to announce our next big expansion - Cairo - Cairo is now live on @nodeguardians
@avnu_fi - We are thrilled to announce that AVNU speaks your language - The DEX aggregator AVNU is now available in 13 languages
@FibrousFinance - Introducing StarkRekt, a tool that allows you to revoke token approvals not only for Fibrous but for the entire Starknet ecosystem - Stay safe on Starknet with this new tool (a kind of Revoke cash for Starknet)
@EkuboProtocol - Excited to announce the ~alpha~ interface for creating positions on @EkuboProtocol for @Starknet's goerli testnet - @EkuboProtocol launches its new public testnet
@MorphineFi - We back - After a few weeks of maintenance, Morphine is now live
@PragmaOracle - Today, @0xevolve unveiled Pragma X's live Testnet at @StarknetCC - Using @MadaraStarknet's sequencer & leveraging @HerodotusDev's Storage Proofs - Pragma releases its L3
@sphinxamm - Today, we're excited to relaunch Sphinx as a new AMM that ships with an integrated smart contract market maker - Explanation thread about the new @sphinxamm design
@0xjanek - New NFT marketplace from @argentHQ for the @Starknet ecosystem - A new NFT marketplace is now live on Starknet
@starknet_quest - We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest quest with @avnu_fi – an exclusive NFT quest giveaway for swappers! - Here's how to get your Avnaut Helmet NFT
@StarkPlay_ - Introducing StarkPlay - the world's leading fully on-chain game studio, exclusively on @Starknet
@0xHashstack - Hashstack v1 public testnet is live - @0xHashstack launches its new public testnet
@CarmineOptions - The long-awaited Zealy Missions are finally back - @CarmineOptions launches its new Zealy campaign
@StarkDefi - We are extremely excited to announce that we're partnering with @AmberGroup_io as a market maker for StarkDeFi - Strategic partnership between @StarkDefi and @ambergroup_io
@lotussapp - We'd like to present a concrete example of what the Lotus platform can bring you - Explanation of the Lotus NFT Raffle mechanism
@Flex_strk - Developer Update: Exciting New Features on @Flex_strk
Ecosystem stats
@mySwapxyz - According to DefiLlama mySwap has now reached $5m TVL - mySwap's TVL had a +192% growth for the past month
@Starknet_OG - @Starknet has just crossed the 100 million TVL threshold
@Starknet_OG - Since tracking money flow is essential and TVL reveals market dynamics, let's dive into the evolution and ranking of L2 TVL - Our beloved @Starknet is now top 4
Starknet Community & Shamans Highlights
Heavily discussed StarkNet Improvement Proposals
Efficient Utilization of Sequencer Capacity in Starknet v0.12.1
First vote (Starknet Alpha v0.11.0) - Recap, Conclusions, and Changes
Community feedback on Round #1 of Early Adopter Grants (EAG)
Proposal to improve multicall, allowing to chain transactions
StarkNet Decentralized Protocol - Candidate for Leader Elections
Starknet Decentralized Protocol - Checkpoints for Fast Finality
Useful links & articles
@myBraavos - Hardware wallets are becoming obsolete. A new technology called the Hardware Signer is one of the most underrated features of smart contract wallets - Deep dive into what a Hardware Signer is and how it will make hardware wallets obsolete
@myBraavos - Starknet’s transaction speed has reached a whole new level. But below the surface, Starknet is crafting a new update that will bring massive change to the network - @myBraavos describes the upcoming Starknet v0.12.1
@HaymanLiron - Ongoing tweet thread of my discoveries from talks at @StarknetCC today
@Starknet_OG - If you're still sleeping on @Starknet, it's time to wake up anon - Redpill thread about the Starknet explosion and why this is just the beginning
@sendmoodz - Short thread on how I built the @EkuboProtocol stack - From the bottom up in only 2 months
@Starknet - Let's talk mid-term roadmap for Starknet - Volition, fee market, EIP4844 and more
@StarkWareLtd - What are Storage Proofs and how can they improve Oracles? - Storage proofs have many perks, combine them with the Starknet Mainnet Quantum Leap and you get the new powerhouse of crypto
@ayyyeandy - Discussing Kakarot @StarknetCC panel live recap with @VitalikButerin speaking now
@0xhasher_ - How to send messages between L1 (@Ethereum) and L2 (@Starknet)? - The interesting concept of a bridge explained
@LordSecretive - Starknet and the Starknet Foundation have promised key announcements today at Starknet CC in Paris - If you want to hear first, I will tweet the news as it comes
@Web3zy - I'd like to formally introduce everyone to the game my team has been working on for 2+ years: @influenceth - Full presentation of the game
@0xNurstar - Did you know? Episode 4 - Find out more about @0xMonkeyMind, the first @Starknet-powered meditation dApp
@zkLendIntern - @zkLend co-founder @bfu_fubrian joined #DeFi on Starks panel earlier today - Intern notes on this panel
@zkLendIntern - Check out the key points of @jdiegooliva's talk, "Introducing the @StarknetFndn "
@zkLendIntern - Just attended the @KakarotZkEvm panel at #StarknetCC 2023 - Check out my summary below
@0xDIslands - The web3 Gaming challenges - Scalability, high entry cost & not fully on-chain
Developer resources
@Starknet - Starkli: The New Starknet CLI - article about Starkli, TLDR : Starkli is a Starknet CLI similar to cairo-lang but written in Rust
@xJonathanLEI - Starkli is the new Starknet CLI client offering superior user experience, easy installation, out-of-the-box shell completions, and blazing fast speed
@espejelomar - It's a pleasure to announce that you no longer need Python to set up your development environment on @Starknet - The set of tools in the
@Starknet ecosystem has evolved to such an extent that it no longer depends on the tools created by @Starkware
@elielmathe - Building and deploying Smart Contracts with Cairo tag v2.0.0-rc0 and beyond - If you can’t declare/deploy to Starknet, read this article
@cryptonerdcn - By WASM-Cairo, you can now run code snippets directly in the Cairo book
@eniwhere_ - The Cairo Book is now available on the official @CairoLang website
@0xKubitus - I can only recommend other devs to follow the "Building a fullstack dApp on Starknet using Starknet React" workshop by the amazing @avnu_fi team
@DegenDeveloper - Just wanted to share a Manager contract I've been tinkering with. It could be a useful building block for your contracts - Explanation thread
@eniwhere_ - I just deployed a BrainfuckVM on @Starknet, as part of an amazing Cairo quest from @nodeguardians - You can interact with it on Voyager
Dates and Events
@Web3Clubs - Web3Clubs is launching its 3rd Cohort - This is a free 3 months hybrid (online/ in-person) bootcamp series to learn how to code in Cairo 1.0 - Date : July 31st 2023 to 20th October 2023
@NduguMucunguzi - This will be our very first community event in Uganda. Please come hang around as we take you through a detailed introduction to Starnet, a layer-2 chain aimed at scaling Ethereum - Date : Fri, Aug 18, 2023, 2:00 PM UTC+3 - Hotel Jfrigh Makerere, Kampala
@galronx - Registration for the Starknet Hacker House, Palo Alto, is now open - Date : Aug 27-30
@Starknet - We’re excited to officially announce the Starknet Summit happening in the San Francisco Bay Area - Details coming soon, Date : August 31, 2023
@StarkNetAfrica - After having an amazing time last year at the @Web3Bridge event, we are excited to announce that we'll be at the Web3 Lagos Conference 2 later this year - Come learn about Cairo 1.0 and @Starknet from August 31st - Sept 2nd
@Starknet - Find Starknet events, online or around the world
You can check out all of the past updates here.
None of the content of this newsletter is financial advice. Always do your own research.
Thank you for reading, and see you next week. ⏳
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