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Starknet roundup #70
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Starknet roundup #70
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Welcome to the 70th edition of my weekly comprehensive Starknet summary.
Reading this newsletter will allow you to catch up on all the important news from the last week in just 10 minutes of reading.
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Let’s get into this week’s news! 💪
Protocol & dev tool updates
@FuzzingLabs - Thoth 0.9.0 version is out - This new version introduces a new tool named thoth-checker, a Symbolic Bounded Model Checker for Sierra
@HypernativeLabs - We are happy to announce our support for @Starknet - This integration allows Starknet-based projects working with Hypernative to preemptively detect hacks/exploits and substantial real-time risks across various vertical
@franalgaba_ - Today we release cairo-containers. Cairo 1.0 docker container images that are ready to use by the community - Cairo 1.0 releases as images in Docker Hub - Bundled with Scarb latest version - Easy to extend
@0xDeoxys - Say hello to Deoxys, a powerfull #Starknet full node client based on Substrate and powered by rust - A fourth full node effort just appeared on Starknet
Media highlights
@crypto_gurkha - Here’s my short recap of the @starknet #ethprague meetup
@0xNurstar - Starknet Twitter Space Jam #27 - Some of the best StarkNet-related Twitter spaces/podcasts/videos of the week
@StarknetEco - "Le Monde De Starknet" arrives on time, bringing you the latest updates and developments in the Ecosystem by @0xNurstar - Stay up to date with the most important news from the Starknet ecosystem over the past week
@ABC_StationHQ - Fundamentals & Most Recent Updates from zkLend & Starknet - @zklend interviewed by @ABC_StationHQ
@Starknet_Asia_ - StarkHCMC 2023 - Powered by STARKNET ASIAN - Recording video of the event
@0xNurstar - Stark Cafe - AI History, Giza and Orion - With Fran & Raphael - Twitter space between @0xNurstar and @gizatechxyz
@0xNurstar - Stark Cafe - Under-collateralized lending on Starknet - with Hashstack - Twitter space between @0xNurstar and @0xHashstack
@0xNurstar - Stark Cafe - AMMs Aggregation on Starknet - With FibrousFinance - Twitter space between @0xNurstar and @FibrousFinance
Ecosystem Highlights

@myBraavos - Milestone 5 of the #StarknetJourney is live! Owning the Dynamic Map unlocks awaited financial opportunities for the Starknet Community, exclusively on Braavos - To claim this new milestone, you must deposit any amount of crypto on your Braavos wallet through one of the five on-ramping options from June 14th, 8:00 am UTC
@myBraavos - Please join us in welcoming the latest version of our iOS mobile app: v3.16.0 - This release introduces a highly anticipated feature: the ability for users to view their Pro Score directly from their mobile devices
@EkuboProtocol - Introducing Ekubo, an AMM on Starknet featuring extensibility, concentrated liquidity, and greater capital efficiency than ever - A new AMM is coming to Starknet, deploying on Testnet in a few week
@avnu_fi - The AVNU leaderboard is now live - Thanks to this new feature, you can now compare yourself to other Starknet users and unlock exclusive rewards by climbing the ladder
@galronx - The Starknet roadmap is now public - Check it out
@Starknet - Check out #Starkgate’s 1-click withdrawal - You don't have to come back to it to trigger the withdrawal to L1. Pay on L2 for both operations and get your money when it arrives
@OptionDance - We are delighted to announce that OptionDance will be receiving a grant from @Starknet
@zkLendIntern - Infographic alert. 30 days since @zkLend 's Mainnet Alpha - Here's 7 cool facts about their launch
@Orbiter_Finance - Let's gear up with the new equipment of @Starknet and hop aboard http://Orbiter.Finance for the thrilling flight - Now you can transfer up to 5 ETH between PolygonzkEVM, zkSync Era and Starknet
Ecosystem stats
The APY mentioned here is calculated on a daily basis; rates vary widely from day to day
@0xvoyageronline - New ATH for daily deployed Cairo 1 contracts on @Starknet Mainnet
@OrbiterResearch - The TOP 10 #rollups ranked by transactions in 7D - 1. @arbitrum - 2. @optimismFND - 3. @StarkWareLtd
@DefiLlama - Starknet TVL - Over $12M TVL on Starknet
Starknet Community & Shamans Highlights
Heavily discussed StarkNet Improvement Proposals
Useful links & articles
@InsiderStarknet - Why new users should choose Braavos on Starknet? - Braavos' key features
@Starknet_Allday - Unleash the Power of @myBraavos - Discover its incredible features and witness why it's the reigning champion - What Braavos can offer to users ?
@Starknet_OG - To position yourself as well as possible, it's important to know the best sources for staying up-to-date with all the important news and alpha - In this thread, @Starknet_OG explores the best sources of @Starknet
@ercwl- Working at the starknet foundation has been a strange cairo-pilling experience, zkevms just can’t compete sry
@StarknetEco - In this edition, we delve into the world of the fascinating world of zkEVM & @KakarotZkEvm - Deep dive thread about Kakarot
@Starknet - Storage proofs have many perks, combine them with the Starknet Mainnet Quantum Leap and you get the new powerhouse of crypto - Lets look at the first principles and the mental model of Storage proofs in this thread
@0xSpaceShard - Learning about Starknet - Community, Hub & Edu Resources - @0xSpaceShard listes the best resources you can grab knowledge from
@0xevolve - DeFi 2.0 is not going to be Oracle-Free ! Oracles still bring value, but they need reinvention - This thread explores potential applications for Oracle Guided Pools in @Uniswap v4
@Al1netla - What is JediSwap? What is the contribution program? - Read this thread for more details
Developer resources
@gizatechxyz - Build your first Neural Network in Cairo 1.0 with Orion - In this tutorial, you'll learn how to train your model with Quantized Aware Training using the MNIST dataset, convert your pre-trained model to Cairo, and perform inference with Orion
@cairopractice - Did you know you can use the -f argument to cairo-test to filter what test are run? - It does a full string search and if the filter value is contained in the fully qualified test name, it is executed
@0xasten - Starknet Tech Stacks - Created a mind-map repository that aims to provide clarity during the transition period from Cairo0 to Cairo1 - It includes information about different versions of specific components and tools
@StarkNetAfrica - Day 13 of #14DaysOfCairoCode: Today, we dive into @codeWhizperer 's impressive contributions
@ccoincash - Spirit Stone V2 has been deployed in #Starknet mainnet - Visit https://spiritstone.world to get more info, and note Spirit Stone is an experimental contract, there may be unknown contract risks
@argentdeveloper - Are you looking to get started with Cairo 1? We created a mini-learning repo, a port of @0xdarlington's Min-Starknet to Cairo 1 to help you get used to writing the new Cairo
@StarkNetAfrica - The #14DaysofCairoCode Challenge has come to an end - Here are some fantastic works from the challenge
@0xtiagofneto - Want to write some Cairo 1 code in neovim? Let me show you how you can get the cairo language server to work on neovim
Dates and Events
@PragmaOracle - Announcing the #Pragma Cairo 1.0 Hackathon! Join us for two weeks of intense coding and innovation next June - Date : 12 - 25 June
@ABCDELabs - We are thrilled to co-host the first Starknet Workshop in China with @BeWaterOfficial and @StarkNetAstroCN! - Shanghai - Date : 2023.06.23 - 2023.06.24
@barretodavid - If you are in Toronto, interested in Starknet and thirsty for Margaritas then you are in luck. The Starknet community is meeting on June 27th at 6:00pm at Casa Mezcal - Date June 27th at 6:00PM
@StarkWareLtd - We gear up for the 2nd meetup in Vietnam, and this time it's in Hanoi - Date : June 30, 7:00 PM
@LambdaHackZK - Lambda HackZK - Paris - Learn more and register now here - Date : 17th to 20th July
@Starknet_Asia_ - Announcing #StarkHCMC 2023, an awe-inspiring day of innovation and knowledge-sharing at #HoChiMinhCity! Get ready to dive deep into the captivating realm of #StarkNet - Date : June 17, 2023 Time: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm ICT
@starknetvietnam - Join us for STARKonnect #2, brought to you by the dynamic StarkNet Vietnam community and sponsored by @StarkWareLtd - Date : Friday, 30th June - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM GMT+7
@StarknetCC - We're excited to announce that @Starknet's Hacker House is set to take place at Mama Shelter West, Paris - Date : from July 17-21
@StarknetCC - Mark your calendars & brace yourselves, we've got more planned - Date : 21/07/23, in Paris
@Starknet - We’re excited to officially announce the Starknet Summit happening in the San Francisco Bay Area - Details coming soon, Date : August 31, 2023
@StarkNetAfrica - After having an amazing time last year at the @Web3Bridge event, we are excited to announce that we'll be at the Web3 Lagos Conference 2 later this year - Come learn about Cairo 1.0 and @Starknet from August 31st - Sept 2nd
@Starknet - Find Starknet events, online or around the world
None of the content of this newsletter is financial advice. Always do your own research.
Thank you for reading, and see you next week. ⏳
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