Starknet monthly recap #7: January

All you need to know about Starknet in January

Starknet monthly recap #7: January

Welcome to the 7th edition of my monthly recap, where I bring you the most important updates and developments from the Starknet ecosystem.

📣 Important news of the month

🔹 Starknet 0.13 live on Mainnet

The much-anticipated version 0.13 of Starknet is finally live on Mainnet! This update brings a significant reduction in gas fees - about 30% less, as well as the implementation of v3 transactions, which will soon allow payment of gas fees in STRK token. In fact, we've already witnessed the first transaction with STRK-paid gas fees a few days ago.

If you want to learn more about this network update, read this tweet.

🔹 Celestia lands on Starknet

The data availability solution, Celestia, and Starknet are partnering together! This collaboration will facilitate the development of layer 3 solutions that store their data on Celestia, thereby minimizing data storage costs and reducing gas fees as much as possible. Furthermore, Celestia is likely to be added as a data storage option for developers within the Volition framework (to be verified).

🔹 Cairo 2.5.0 Release

The Cairo language has been enhanced with the release of its version 2.5.0, which introduces a variety of new features. To learn more about it 👇

Cairo v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!CaCairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, v2.5.0 is out!

Cairo v2.5.0 match expression Improvements while loops Storing strings The pub keyword Experimental features - negative impls Compiler warnings TL;DR Cairo 2.5.0 was just released. This version only involves high-level compiler (Cairo→Sierra) changes and thus can be used to deploy contracts on Starknet Testnet and Mainnet without delay. This version introduces various features to the language: removing many of the limitations existing in match expressions, introducing friendlier loop syntax, a...

🔹 Depreciation of the current DAI version and introduction of a new one

To align with the upcoming Regenesis event, which will only accept Cairo 1.0 contracts on Starknet, Maker DAO is deprecating the current version of DAI and introducing a new version that is compatible with Cairo 1.0.

If you hold the old version, it is highly recommended to migrate or exchange your DAI for the new version before the arrival of Regenesis 👇

🔹 Unruggable audits

Unruggable, a new protocol which aims to establish security standards for the creation of Memecoin projects, has recently announced the completion of its audits by external firms.

The next step for Unruggable is to address the vulnerabilities that were found by audit firms, before the actual launch on the Mainnet.

To not miss any news from the Starknet network, I advise you to subscribe to the official Starknet newsletter.

📢 What About the Ecosystem?

🔹 Updates requesting actions from users ⚠️

Let's begin this section with three protocol updates that require users to take action promptly.

  1. Nostra

Due to the current version of Nostra rendering the previous version obsolete, the team plans to deprecate the old alpha version. Users are required to transfer their funds from the alpha version to the current version before February 29th.

  1. Carmine Options

Carmine Options has recently launched its dApp v2 on Mainnet. This means that users who have staked ETH and USDC on v1 must migrate their funds to v2 in order to continue earning yield on their staking!

  1. Braavos

Braavos has released a new contract for its Multi-Owner Account (MOA) feature and strongly recommends that users update their wallet as soon as possible!

🔹 Pyramid NFT Launchpad

Pyramid, the NFT marketplace, has launched its permissionless NFT launchpad, which enables anyone to create their own NFT collection. Currently, it is only available on the Sepolia testnet.

Note that 30% of the revenues generated by this launchpad will be distributed to StarkGuardians holders.

🔹 ZKX Second Airdrop Campaign (12.1% ZKX token supply)

ZKX has recently launched the Mainnet of its Perp DEX and has taken the opportunity to announce a new airdrop campaign, with 12.1% of the supply to be airdropped!

Here is a thread that summarizes all the important information about this launch.

🔹 AVNU continues to ship at the same pace as last year

In addition to integrating the pools of the two new AMM StarkDeFi and Nostra Finance, AVNU has released its new feature called One-Tap Connect, which allows users to save 2 clicks when interacting on the dApp!

🔹 New Projects on Mainnet and Testnet

This month, two projects have launched their Mainnet:

  • ZKX, an omnichain Perp DEX

  • Expectium, a prediction protocol

And three others their Testnet:

🔹 New Projects Alert:

Every month, new projects emerge or kick-start their journey on Starknet. Here is a list of my latest findings:

  • Haiko, a new innovative v4 AMM bringing limit orders, advanced LP features and Replicating strategies

  • Starkane, a turn-based RPG onchain game

  • Starkurabu, a new NFT collection by Starknet_ID

  • @FaceToSee_, a new prediction protocol

Furthermore, here is a list of dApps that are coming on Starknet and that I find most exciting.

📰 Some of the Best Content of the Month

🔹 StarkWare's Predictions for 2024

Three core members of StarkWare, Eli Ben-Sasson, Liron Hayman, and Avihu Levy, share their insightful predictions about the evolution of Starknet in 2024 👇️ 

🔹 Security Focus of StarkWare

Here is a great article by @EliBenSasson explaining why StarkWare is placing a strong emphasis on security, even if the market does not yet prioritize this factor 👇️ 

🔹 Past, present and future of Starknet

Learn more about why @Starknet has the greatest potential among all Layer 2 solutions, taking into account its past, present, and future 👇️

🔹 Money Markets Live on Mainnet & Farming Tips

Explore the four Money Markets currently live on Mainnet, learn about their unique features, and discover how to farm them 👇️ 

🔹 Deep Dive into Fibrous and Paradex

Here are two in-depth articles by Starknet_Africa about:

  • Fibrous, a DEX aggregator

  • Paradex, the first Starknet appchain dedicated to Perp trading

Looking to dive into the world of Starknet Memecoins? Here are some essential tips to maximize your security in this dangerous trading environment 👇️ 

🔹 Starknet and its impressive growth of developers

Starknet remains one of the most dynamic ecosystems in terms of developers this year, as highlighted in the great report by Electric Capital. Below, you can find a quick summary of the important figures from this report and why these kind of metrics matter 👇

👀 Stay on the Pulse of Starknet - Never Miss an alpha again!

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Thank you for reading, and see you next month for this monthly recap. ⏳

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